The Norwegian Petroleum Directorate granted DEA Norge AS a drilling permit in the North Sea for well 7321/4-1, which will be drilled from the Island Innovator drilling facility.
Well 7321/4-1 is to be drilled after Sprit Energy completes drilling wildcat well 7322/7-1 in production license 852 (OGJ Online, July 9, 2018).
The drilling programmed for well 7321/4-1 relates to the drilling of a wildcat well in production license 721. DEA Norge AS is the operator with 40% interest. Aker BP has 40% and Wintershall Norge has 20%.
The area in this license consists of all of Block 7321/4. The well will be drilled 140 km north of Johan Castberg field and 350 km northwest of Hammerfest, Norway.
Authorities awarded PL 721 in 2013 during the 22nd licensing round on the Norwegian shelf. This is the first well to be drilled in the license, NPD said.
The permit is contingent upon the operator securing all other permits and consents required by other authorities before drilling activities start.