| | | | | | Most pipeline operators complied with a law to update plans to identify and repair methane leaks, but 6 states and one company are lagging. |
| Equitrans Midstream Corp. placed into service the 303-mile Mountain Valley natural gas pipeline (MVP) on June 14. |
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| | | | Sponsored | | Through Xylem’s unmatched expertise and expansive product portfolio, we’re helping oil and gas companies control costs, increase efficiency, and improve asset performance. Our engineers and field teams understand the critical role water and fluid play in the energy sector and provide a single trusted resource for even the most challenging projects. |
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| | | Venture Global LNG and the commercial arm of DTEK Group executed a heads of agreement for supply of LNG to Ukraine and Eastern Europe. |
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| | | | Permian crude oil production will reach a 6-month high of 6.19 million b/d in June 2024, according to the US EIA. Along with this crude, comes large amounts of associated gas. The more that gets produced, the more that needs to get shipped. |
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| | | Aramco and NextDecade Corp. are negotiating a binding agreement for LNG offtake from the Rio Grande LNG plant's second phase. |
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| | | ADNOC has made a final investment decision to proceed with the lower-carbon Ruwais LNG project in Al Ruwais Industrial City, |
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| | | | Sponsored | | A must-read for anyone in the energy industry. Uses everyday language and real-world examples to help readers understand the complex LNG industry. It provides the reader with insights into changes in the markets, technological advances and the commercial evolution of what remains one of the most capital-intensive and formidable global industries. |
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| | | | European Union countries agreed on package of sanctions against Russia, banning the re-export of Russian LNG within EU waters. |
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| | | Oleoducto Crudos Pesados and PetroTal Peru agreed to transport oil from Peru via the Heavy Crude Oil Pipeline. |
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