Program predicts reformate properties, including octane, vapor pressure, and gravity

Sept. 9, 1996
Full text and program Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo and Instituto Politócnico Nacional have developed a GW-Basic program for characterizing gasoline streams from catalytic reforming units. The program is based on the physicochemical properties of 116 pure components that make up reformate feedstock and product. The program requires as input data the results of a Piano gas chromatography analysis (Piano = paraffins, isoparaffins, aromatics, naphthenes, and olefins). Using these data,

Instituto Mexicano del Petróleo and Instituto Politócnico Nacional have developed a GW-Basic program for characterizing gasoline streams from catalytic reforming units. The program is based on the physicochemical properties of 116 pure components that make up reformate feedstock and product.

The program requires as input data the results of a Piano gas chromatography analysis (Piano = paraffins, isoparaffins, aromatics, naphthenes, and olefins). Using these data, the program estimates 14 reformate properties:

  1. Research octane number

  2. Motor octane number

  3. Reid vapor pressure

  4. Specific gravity

  5. Molecular weight

  6. Cubic average boiling point

  7. Volumetric average boiling point

  8. Molar average boiling point

  9. Weight average boiling point

  10. Mean average boiling point

  11. Critical pressure

  12. Critical volume

  13. Critical temperature

  14. Characterization factor.

Authors of the program are Jorge Ancheyta-Jurez, Ernesto Mariaca-Do mn guez, Enrique Aguilar-Rodrguez, and Alfredo Escobar-López.

The program is available through OGL Online, the Journal's Internet-based energy information service, at An exclusive article describing the program also is available. If you want the program and are not a subscriber to OGJ Online, please complete the online registration form, or call 800-OGJINFO.

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