By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Nov. 22 -- The reported discovery of a supergiant gas field near the town of Iolotan in the Amu Daria basin of Turkmenistan would, if confirmed, help justify construction of a gas pipeline to China.
The field is said to contain 23 tcf of gas at 16,400 ft, but it was not clear whether this is the recoverable volume or the amount of gas in place.
Turkmenistan, which already pipes gas to several countries and intends to serve several more, invited China National Petroleum Corp. to develop the field, press reports said.
Iolotan is east-northeast of supergiant Dauletabad-Donmez gas field, discovered in 1976 with estimated ultimate recovery of 49 tcf from a reservoir at about 9,800 ft (OGJ, June 3, 1991, p. 104).