GUIDE TO WORLD CRUDES: Morvin field production prompts update to Aasgard Blend assay
Statoil late last year published an update to its 2010 assay of Aasgard Blend (OGJ, Apr. 4, 2011, p. 94). To the existing blend from Smorbukk, Smorbukk South, Midgard, Mikkel, Kristin, and Yttergryta fields, the update added production analysis for Morvin field.
Whole crude
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7864
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7867
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 48.4
Dry oil density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7864
Sulfur, mass %: 0.165
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: 0.02
Reid vapor pressure, kPa: 70.9
Pour point, °C.: –21
Kinematic viscosity at 20° C., cst: 1.71
Kinematic viscosity at 40° C., cst: 1.30
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 240
Hydrogen sulfide, mass %: ND1
Vanadium, mg/kg: 0.9
Nickel, mg/kg: 0.1
Sodium, mg/kg: 1.6
Salt as NaCl, mg/l.: <5
Wax content, mass %: <5.0
Flash point, °C.: <10.0
Water content, mass %: <0.02
Mercury, μg/kg: 17.0
Pentanes to 65° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 7.89
Yield on crude, vol %: 9.46
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.6469
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.6469
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 87.2
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n–Paraffins, mass %: 49.6
i–Paraffins, mass %: 42.1
Naphthenes, mass %: 6.4
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 1.9
n–Paraffins, vol %: 50.5
i–Paraffins, vol %: 42.7
Naphthenes, vol %: 5.4
Aromatics (incl. benzene), vol %: 1.4
Vapor pressure (DVPE),1 kPa: 103.1
Research octane number: 73.4
Motor octane number: 71.4
Research octane number, 273.2
Motor octane number, 271.2
65–90° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 7.43
Yield on crude , vol %: 8.0
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7208
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7210
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 64.8
Sulfur, mass %: <0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n–Paraffins, mass %: 26.6
i–Paraffins, mass %: 24.2
Naphthenes, mass %: 40.6
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 8.6
Benzene, mass %: 7.8
n–Paraffins, vol %: 28.9
i–Paraffins, vol %: 25.9
Naphthenes, vol %: 38.1
Aromatics (incl. benzene), vol %: 7.0
Benzene, vol %: 6.4
Vapor pressure (DVPE), kPa: 32.4
Research octane number: 66.5
Motor octane number: 64.6
Research octane number: 266.3
Motor octane number: 264.4
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
90–150° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 20.87
Yield on crude, vol %: 21.34
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7587
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7589
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 54.9
Sulfur, mass %: <0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n–Paraffins, mass %: 20.8
i–Paraffins, mass %: 21.1
Naphthenes, mass %: 38.2
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 19.9
Benzene, mass %: 0.4
n–Paraffins, vol %: 22.6
i–Paraffins, vol %: 22.5
Naphthenes, vol %: 37.6
Aromatics (incl. benzene), vol %: 17.4
Benzene, vol %: 0.4
Flash point, °C.: <10
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
150–180° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 7.21
Yield on crude , vol %: 7.24
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7833
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7836
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 49.1
Sulfur, mass %: 0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Copper corrosion: 1a
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: <0.01
n–Paraffins, mass %: 21.0
i–Paraffins, mass %: 26.8
Naphthenes, mass %: 28.8
Aromatics, mass %: 23.4
n–Paraffins, vol %: 22.7
i–Paraffins, vol %: 28.2
Naphthenes, vol %: 28.0
Aromatics, vol %: 21.0
Aromatics (HPLC)1
Total, mass %: 20.1
Mono–aromatics, mass %: 20.0
Di–aromatics, mass %: 0.1
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: <0.1
Naphtalenes, vol %: 0.02
Aniline point, °C: 49.2
Smoke point, mm: 23.0
Flash point, °C.: 40.0
Freezing point, °C.: <–60
Cetane index (D–976): 31.1
Calculated cetane index (D–4737): 35.7
Kinematic viscosity at 20° C., cst: 1.10
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 0.789
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
Distillation D–86 (50%), °C.: 160.4
180–240° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 12.05
Yield on crude, vol %: 11.74
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8069
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8072
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 43.8
Sulfur, mass %: 0.007
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Copper corrosion: 1a
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: <0.01
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 20.8
Mono–aromatics, mass %: 17.1
Di–aromatics, mass %: 3.7
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: <0.1
Naphtalenes, vol %: 2.31
Aniline point, °C.: 60.0
Smoke point, mm: 20.5
Freezing point, °C.: –48.0
Cloud point, °C.: <–48
Cold–filter plugging point, °C.: <–50
Pour point, °C.: <–50
Cetane number: 49.1
Cetane index (D–976): 43.0
Calculated cetane index (D–4737): 44.1
Kinematic viscosity at 20° C., cst: 1.84
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 1.18
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
Distillation D–86 (50%), °C.: 203.0
240–320° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 14.69
Yield on crude, vol %: 13.75
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8401
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8405
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 36.9
Sulfur, mass %: 0.093
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: 0.01
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 23.8
Mono–aromatics, mass %: 13.7
Di–aromatics, mass %: 9.9
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: 0.2
Aniline point, °C.: 70.5
Cloud point, °C.: –17
Cold–filter plugging point, °C.: –20
Pour point, °C.: –18
Cetane number, 57.2
Cetane index (D–976): 51.1
Calculated cetane index (D–4737): 54.7
Kinematic viscosity at 20° C., cst: 4.77
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 2.48
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 14
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.001
Distillation D–86 (50%), °C.: 269.7
320–375° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 7.28
Yield on crude, vol %: 6.62
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8644
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8648
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 32.1
Sulfur, mass %: 0.363
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: 0.02
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 23.6
Mono–aromatics, mass %: 13.3
Di–aromatics, mass %: 7.5
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: 2.8
Aniline point, °C.: 81.8
Watson K–factor: 11.9
Cloud point, °C.: 11
Cold–filter plugging point, °C.: 11
Pour point, °C.: 12
Cetane number: 61.9
Cetane index (D–976): 52.5
Calculated cetane index: 63.5
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: <0.10
Kinematic viscosity at 20° C., cst: 15.3
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 5.95
Kinematic viscosity at 100° C., cst: 2.22
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 200
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.005
Refractive index at 67° C.: 1.463
Distillation D–86 (50%), °C.: 332.5
375–420° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 4.77
Yield on crude, vol %: 4.25
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8822
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8826
Gravity at 60/60° F, °API: 28.8
Sulfur, mass %: 0.404
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: 0.02
Aniline point, °C.: 92.7
Watson K–factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 30
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: <0.10
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 14.6
Kinematic viscosity at 100° C., cst: 4.15
Vanadium, mg/kg: <0.1
Nickel, mg/kg: <0.1
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 490
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.012
Refractive index at 67° C.: 1.473
420–525° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 7.84
Yield on crude, vol %: 6.85
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8996
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9001
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 25.7
Sulfur, mass %: 0.529
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: <0.01
Aniline point, °C.: 99.9
Watson K–factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 42
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: <0.10
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 39.0
Kinematic viscosity at 100° C., cst: 8.01
Vanadium, mg/kg: <0.1
Nickel, mg/kg: <0.1
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 940
Basic nitrogen mass, %: 0.021
Refractive index at 67° C.: 1.484
375+° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 17.87
Yield on crude , vol %: 15.40
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9128
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9133
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 23.4
Sulfur, mass %: 0.664
Total acid number, mg KOH/g: 0.01
Aniline point, °C.: 96.9
Watson K–factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 45
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: 2.9
Asphaltenes, mass %: <0.50
n–Pentane insolubles, mass %: 1.0
Ash, mass %: <0.001
Kinematic viscosity at 50° C., cst: 69.5
Kinematic viscosity at 100° C., cst: 11.7
Vanadium, mg/kg: 4.5
Nickel, mg/kg: 0.6
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 1,220
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.033
Refractive index at 67° C.: 1.506
525+° C.
Yield on crude, mass %: 5.26
Yield on crude , vol %: 4.30
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 30.9630
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9636
Gravity at 60/60° F., °API: 15.3
Sulfur, mass %: 1.101
Aniline point, °C.: 100.9
Watson K–factor: 11.8
Pour point, °C.: 27
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: 9.8
Asphaltenes, mass %: 0.62
n–Pentane insolubles, mass %: 4.1
Ash, mass %: 0.015
Kinematic viscosity at 80° C., cst: 284
Kinematic viscosity at 100° C., cst: 108
Vanadium, mg/kg: 17
Nickel, mg/kg: 1.9
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 2,460
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.074
Penetration at 25° C., 0.1 mm: >315
Composition, mass %4
Normal parraffins
Methane: <0.01
Ethane: 0.02
Propane: 0.59
Butane: 2.59
Pentane: 2.93
Hexane: 2.47
Heptane: 2.14
Octane: 1.88
Nonane: 1.50
Total n–paraffins: 14.13
C4 hydrocarbons
i–Butane: 0.76
C5 hydrocarbons
2,2–Dimethylpropane: 0.01
i–Pentane: 2.13
Total C5 i–paraffins: 2.14
Cyclopentane: 0.28
C6 hydrocarbons
2,2–Dimethylbutane: 0.06
2,3–Dimethylbutane: 0.19
2–Methylpentane: 1.38
3–Methylpentane: 0.82
Total C6 i–paraffins: 2.45
Methylcyclopentane: 1.30
Cyclohexane: 1.90
Total C6 naphthenes: 3.20
Benzene: 0.84
C7 hydrocarbons
2,2,3–Trimethylbutane: 0.01
3,3–Dimethylpentane: 0.02
2,4–Dimethylpentane: 0.10
2–Methylhexane: 0.69
2,3–Dimethylpentane: 0.21
3–Methylhexane: 0.76
2,2–Dimethylpentane: 0.04
Total C7 i–paraffins: 1.83
cis–1,3–Dimethylcyclopentane : 0.26
trans–1,3–Dimethylcyclopentane : 0.25
trans–1,2–Dimethylcyclopentane : 0.49
Methylcyclohexane : 3.02
Ethylcyclopentane : 0.18
1,1–Dimethylcyclopentane: 0.14
Total C7 naphthenes: 4.33
Toluene: 2.04
C8 hydrocarbons
2,5–Dimethylhexane: 0.10
2,4–Dimethylhexane: 0.11
3,3–Dimethylhexane: 0.03
2,3–Dimethylhexane: 0.10
2–Methyl 3–ethylpentane: 0.02
2–Methylheptane: 0.75
4–Methylheptane: 0.24
2,3,4–Trimethylpentane: 0.02
Total C8 isoparaffins: 1.35
(incl. 2,2–dimethylhexane): 0.14
trans, cis–1,2,4–Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.13
trans,cis–1,2,3–Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.13
1,1–Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.08
trans–1–Methyl–3–ethylcyclopentane: 0.06
cic–1–Methyl–3–ethylcyclopentane: 0.06
trans–1–Methyl–2–ethylcyclopentane: 0.12
trans–1,2–Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.26
Isopropylcyclopentane: 0.02
cis–1,2–Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.09
Ethylcyclohexane (incl. n–proplycyclopentane): 0.66
1–Methyl–1–ethylcyclopentane: 0.02
1,1,2,–Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.03
Unidentified C8 naphthenes: 1.25
Total C8 naphthenes: 3.04
Ethylbenzene: 0.36
m–Dimethylbenzene (m–xylene): 1.02
p–Dimethylbenzene (p–xylene): 0.26
o–Dimethylbenzene (o–xylene): 0.42
Total C8 aromatics: 2.09
C9 hydrocarbons
3,5–Dimethylheptane: 0.22
4–Methyloctane: 0.20
2–Methyloctane: 0.30
3–Methyloctane: 0.32
2,3–Dimethylheptane: 0.16
3,4–Dimethylheptane: 0.08
4–Ethylheptane: 0.04
2,3,4–Trimethylhexane: <0.01
Total C9 i–paraffins: 1.32
1,1,3–Trimethylcyclohexane: 0.32
1,1,4–Trimethylcyclohexane: 0.11
Unidentified C9 naphthenes: 0.56
Total C9 naphthenes: 0.99
Total identified: 40.8081
Total unidentified: 0.4544
Total C10+: 58.7375
1ND= not detectable; HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography; DVPE = dry vapor pressure equivalent. 2Corrected in accordance with EN 228. 3Calculated density for 525°+ fraction. 4ASTM D–5134.