OGJ FOCUS — GUIDE TO WORLD CRUDES: Statoil publishes new Aasgard Blend assay

June 28, 2010
Statoil published a new simulated Aasgard Blend assay in March 2010 better to represent the quality of the current Asgard Blend production.

Statoil published a new simulated Aasgard Blend assay in March 2010 better to represent the quality of the current Asgard Blend production.

This simulated assay represents a volumetric blend of two laboratory assays: Aasgard Blend 2007 (55 vol %) and Aasgard Blend 2009 (45 vol %). The oil has an API gravity of 48.9°, 2° API lighter than the assay released in 2009.

Aasgard Blend is a light, low-sulfur North Sea crude from commingling of production from Smorbukk, Smorbukk South, Midgard, Mikkel, Kristin, Yttergryta, and Tyrihans fields. Current production is 194,000 b/d, according to Statoil's web site.


Aasgard field lies on the Halten Bank in the Norwegian Sea, about 200 km off mid-Norway and 50 km south of Heidrun (map). The development is the largest on the Norwegian continental shelf, says Statoil, embracing a total of 52 wells drilled through 16 seabed templates.

Saga Petroleum discovered Midgard in 1981, with Statoil finding Smorbukk in 1984 and Smorbukk South in 1985. The two companies unitized the three fields into a single production license in 1995, with Statoil as operator.

Midgard straddles Blocks 6507/11 and 6407/2, while the two other deposits lie in Bblock 6506/11.

The Aasgard A oil production ship arrived on the field in February 1999 and began operating in May. Gas production from the semi-submersible Aasgard B platform began on Oct. 1, 2000 (photograph).

Oil produced via the Aasgard A vessel is shipped from the field by shuttle tankers (photo by Oyvind Hagen, Statoil).

Gas from Aasgard is piped through Aasgard Transport to the Karsto, north of Stavanger, for processing. The heavier components, such as ethane, propane, butane, and naphtha are separated at Karsto with the residue gas being piped to continental Europe. Statoil says Aasgard supplies about 11 billion cu m/year to European customers.

The current ownership is Petoro AS (35.69%), Statoil (34.57%), Eni Norge AS (14.82%), Total E&P Norge AS (7.68%), and Mobil Development Norway (7.24%).


1ND = not detectable; HPLC = high performance liquid chromatography; DVPE = dry vapor pressure equivalent. 2Corrected in accordance with EN 228. 3MCalculated density for 525o+ C. fraction.

Whole crude

Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7928
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7931
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 46.9
Dry oil density at 15° C.: 0.7928
Sulfur, mass %: 0.188
Total acid no., mg KOG/g: <0.01
Reid vapor pressure, kPa: 65.7
Pour point, °C.: -33
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 1.98
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 1.42
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 300
Hydrogen sulfide, mass %: ND1
Vanadium, mg/kg: 1.0
Nickel, mg/kg: 0.1
Sodium, mg/kg: 1.3
Salt as NaCl, mg/l.: 5.5
Wax content, mass %: <5
Flash point, °C.: <10
Water content, mass %: 0.02
Mercury, µg/kg: 31

Pentanes to 65° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 7.24
Yield on crude, vol %: 8.74
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.6463
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.6463
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 87.4
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n-Paraffins, mass %: 48.1
i-Paraffins, mass %: 44.1
Naphthenes, mass %: 6.1
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 1.7
n-Paraffins, vol %: 49.0
i-Paraffins, vol %: 44.6
Naphthenes, vol %: 5.1
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 1.3
Vapor pressure (DVPE), kPa: 107.8
Research octane no. (RON): 75.4
Motor octane no. MON: 73.0
Research octane no. (RON): 275.2
Motor octane no. (MON): 272.8

65-90° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 6.96
Yield on crude, vol %: 7.54
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7206
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7208
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 64.8
Sulfur, mass %: <0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n-Paraffins, mass %: 26.3
i-Paraffins, mass %: 25.7
Naphthenes, mass %: 39.9
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 8.2
Benzene, mass %: 6.9
n-Paraffins, vol %: 28.5
i-Paraffins, vol %: 27.4
Naphthenes, vol %: 37.5
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 6.7
Benzene, vol %: 5.6
Vapor pressure (DVPE), kPa: 33.1
Research octane no. (RON): 67.5
Motor octane no. MON: 65.6
Research octane no. (RON): 267.3
Motor (MON): 265.4
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1

90-150° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 20.04
Yield on crude, vol %: 20.58
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7601
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7603
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 54.6
Sulfur, mass %: <0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
n-Paraffins, mass %: 20.0
i-Paraffins, mass %: 21.1
Naphthenes, mass %: 37.8
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 21.1
Benzene, mass %: 0.5
n-Paraffins, vol %: 21.8
i-Paraffins, vol %: 22.5
Naphthenes, vol %: 37.2
Aromatics (incl. benzene), mass %: 18.4
Benzene, vol %: 0.4
Flash point, °C.: <10
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1

150-180° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 7.37
Yield on crude, vol %: 7.46
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7839
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.7842
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 48.9
Sulfur, mass %: 0.001
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Copper corrosion: 1a
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: <0.01
n-Paraffins, mass %: 21.2
i-Paraffins, mass %: 25.1
Naphthenes, mass %: 29.3
Aromatics, mass %: 24.4
n-Paraffins, vol %: 23.0
i-Paraffins, vol %: 26.4
Naphthenes, vol %: 28.6
Aromatics, vol %: 22.0
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 22.0
Monoaromatics, mass %: 22.0
Diaromatics, mass %: <0.1
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: <0.1
Naphthalenes, vol %: 0.03
Aniline point, °C.: 49.9
Smoke point, mm: 23.0
Flash point, °C.: 40.0
Freezing point, °C.: <–60
Cetane index (D-976): 30.7
Calculated cetane index (D-4737): 35.4
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 1.08
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 0.76
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
Distillation D-86 (50%), °C.: 160.1

180-240 °C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 12.04
Yield on crude, vol %: 11.83
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8072
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8075
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 43.7
Sulfur, mass %: 0.011
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Copper corrosion: 1a
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: <0.01
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 20.7
Monoaromatics, mass %: 16.9
Diaromatics, mass %: 3.8
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: <0.1
Naphthalenes, vol %: 2.46
Aniline point, °C.: 59.5
Smoke point, mm: 22.0
Freezing point, °C.: –50.0
Cloud point, °C.: <–51
Cold-filter plugging point, °C.: <–50
Pour point, °C.: <–48
Cetane no.: 48.4
Cetane index (D-976): 43.4
Calculated cetane index (D-4737): 44.1
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 1.83
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 1.17
Nitrogen, mg/kg: <1
Distillation D-86 (50%), °C.: 204.3

240-320°+ C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 15.21
Yield on crude, vol %: 14.35
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8405
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8409
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 36.8
Sulfur, mass %: 0.099
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: <0.01
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 24.3
Monoaromatics, mass %: 13.5
Diaromatics, mass %: 10.5
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: 0.3
Aniline point, °C.: 71.8
Cloud point, °C.: –17
Cold-filter plugging point, °C.: –19
Pour point, °C.: –15
Cetane no.: 56.5
Cetane index (D-976): 51.1
Calculated cetane index (D-4737): 54.8
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 4.80
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 2.47
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 12
Basic nitrogen, mass %: <0.001
Distillation D-86 (50%), °C.: 270.4

320-375° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 7.52
Yield on crude, vol %: 6.89
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8650
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8654
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 32.0
Sulfur, mass %: 0.370
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.02
Aromatics (HPLC)
Total, mass %: 24.2
Monoaromatics, mass %: 13.3
Diaromatics, mass %: 7.9
Polycyclic aromatics, mass %: 3.0
Aniline point, °C.: 83.7
Watson K-factor: 11.9
Cloud point, °C.: 11
Cold-filter plugging point, °C.: 11
Pour point, °C.: 12
Cetane no.: 61.1
Cetane index (D-976): 52.6
Calculated cetane index (D-4737): 65.2
Conradson carbon residue (CCR), mass %: <0.10
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 15.6
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 6.15
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 2.24
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 183
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.005
Refractive index @ 67° C.: 1.464
Distillation D-86 (50%), °C.: 335.2

375-420° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 5.01
Yield on crude, vol %: 4.50
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8824
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.8828
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 28.8
Sulfur, mass %: 0.417
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.01
Aniline point, °C.: 93.0
Watson K-factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 30
Conradson carbon residue (CCR), mass %: <0.10
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 14.8
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 4.62
Vanadium, mg/kg: <0.1
Nickel, mg/kg: <0.1
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 430
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.012
Refractive index @ 67° C.: 1.473

420-525° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 8.50
Yield on crude, vol %: 7.48
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9014
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9019
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 25.4
Sulfur, mass %: 0.567
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: <0.01
Aniline point, °C.: 98.0
Watson K-factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 39
Conradson carbon residue (CCR), mass %: <0.10
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 40.0
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 8.25
Vanadium, mg/kg: <0.1
Nickel, mg/kg: <0.1
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 890
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.021
Refractive index @ 67° C.: 1.484

375° C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 19.66
Yield on crude, vol %: 17.01
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9167
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9172
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 22.8
Sulfur, mass %: 0.740
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.02
Aniline point, °C.: 96.5
Watson K-factor: 12.0
Pour point, °C.: 42
Conradson carbon residue (CCR), mass %: 3.46
Asphaltenes, mass %: <0.5
n-Pentanes insolubles, mass %: 0.6
Ash, mass %: 0.017
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 79.7
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 13.1
Vanadium, mg/kg: 6.0
Nickel, mg/kg: 0.5
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 1,470
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.034
Refractive index @ 67° C.: 1.501

525°+ C.

Yield on crude, mass %: 6.15
Yield on crude, vol %: 5.03
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 30.9688
Specific gravity at 60/60° F.: 0.9694
API gravity at 60/60° F.: 14.5
Sulfur, mass %: 1.193
Aniline point, °C.: 99.5
Watson K-factor: 11.7
Pour point, °C.: 33
Conradson carbon residue (CCR), mass %: 11.0
Asphaltenes, mass %: 0.90
n-Pentanes insolubles, mass %: 3.3
Ash, mass %: 0.026
Kin. vis. at 80° C., cst: 395
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 136
Vanadium, mg/kg: 21
Nickel, mg/kg: 1.6
Nitrogen, mg/kg: 3,190
Basic nitrogen, mass %: 0.073
Penetration at 25° C.: >300

Composition, mass %

Normal paraffins

Methane: <0.01
Ethane: 0.03
Propane: 0.59
Butane: 2.43
Pentane: 2.71
Hexane: 2.27
Heptane: 1.97
Octane: 1.74
Nonane: 1.34
Total n-paraffins: 13.07

C4 hydrocarbons

i-Butane: 0.74

C5 hydrocarbons

2,2-Dimethylpropane: 0.01
i-Pentane: 1.98
Total C5 i-paraffins: 2.00

Cyclopentane: 0.24

C6 hydrocarbons

2,2-Dimethylbutane: 0.06
2,3-Dimethylbutane: 0.18
2-Methylpentane: 1.28
3-Methylpentane: 0.75
Total C6 i-paraffins: 2.27

Methylcyclopentane (incl. 2,2-Dimethylpentane): 1.23
Cyclohexane: 1.75
Total C6 naphthenes: 2.98
Benzene: 0.78

C7 hydrocarbons

2,2,3-Trimethylbutane: 0.01
3,3-Dimethylpentane: 0.02
2,4-Dimethylpentane: 0.09
2-Methylhexane: 0.65
2,3-Dimethylpentane: 0.17
3-Methylhexane: 0.69
Total C7 i-paraffins: 1.64

cis-1,3-Dimethylcyclopentane: 0.24
trans-1,3-Dimethylcyclopentane: 0.22
trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclopentane: 0.43
Methylcyclohexane: 2.85
Ethylcyclopentane: 0.15
1,1-Dimethylcyclopentane: 0.12
Total C7 naphthenes: 4.02

Toluene: 2.01

C8 hydrocarbons

2,2,4-Trimethylpentane: <0.01
2,5-Dimethylhexane: 0.09
2,4-Dimethylhexane: 0.09
3,4-Dimethylhexane: 0.02
3,3-Dimethylhexane: 0.02
2,3-Dimethylhexane (incl. naphthenic compound): 0.11
2-Methyl-3-ethylpentane: 0.02
2-Methylheptane: 0.67
4-Methylheptane: 0.19
3-Methylheptane: 0.38
2,3,4-Trimethylpentane: 0.01
Total C8 i-paraffins: 1.61

1,1,3-Trimethylcyclopentane (incl. 2,2-Dimethylhexane): 0.12
trans, cis-1,2,4-Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.12
trans,cis-1,2,3-Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.11
trans-1,4-Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.20
1,1-Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.07
trans-1-Methyl-3-ethylcyclopentane: 0.04
cis-1-Methyl-3-ethylcyclopentane: 0.04
trans-1-Methyl-2-ethylcyclopentane: 0.10
trans-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.23
2-Propylcyclopentane: 0.02
cis-1,2-Dimethylcyclohexane: 0.12
Ethylcyclohexane: 0.87
1-Propylcyclopentane: <0.01
cis,cis-1,2,4-Trimethylcyclopentane: 0.02
1-Methyl-1-ethylcyclopentane: 0.01
cis-1,3-Dimethylcyclohexane (incl. naphthenic compound): 0.54
Total C8 naphthenes: 2.62

Ethylbenzene: 0.38
m-Dimethylbenzene (m-xylene): 1.06
p-Dimethylbenzene (p-xylene): 0.35
o-Dimethylbenzene (o-Xylene): 0.44
Total C8 aromatics: 2.23

C9 hydrocarbons

3,5-Dimethylheptane: 0.18
4-Methyloctane: 0.17
2-Methyloctane: 0.25
3-Methyloctane: 0.30
2,3,4-Trimethylhexane: <0.01
Unidentified paraffin: 0.08
Total C9 i-paraffins: 0.99

1,1,3-Trimethylcyclohexane: 0.18
1-Methyl-2-propylcyclopentane: 0.08
1-Methyl-3-ethylcyclohexane: 0.19
1-Methyl-4-ethylcyclohexane: 0.11
1,1,4-Trimethylcyclohexane: 0.08
Unidentified naphthenes: 0.06< >Total C9 naphthenes: 0.71

Total identified: 37.9< >Total unidentified: 0.18

Total C10+: 61.92

Editor's note: Statoil's assay report contained the following: "A commercial assay was carried out on a representative sample of the crude. The contents of this report are for guidance only and Statoil accepts no responsibility for any errors that it may contain."

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