PJSC Gazprom Neft subsidiary Gazprom Neft Badra has commissioned its 1.6 billion-cu m/year natural gas processing plant at Badra field in eastern Iraq (OGJ Online, Aug. 25, 2017).
The full-cycle gas plant, which entered commercial operation on Dec. 6, processes dry feed gas from Badra field, that will be shipped via a 100-km pipeline to the Az-Zubaidiya power station to supply electric power to provinces throughout Iraq as well as to the country’s capital city of Bagdad, Gazprom Neft said.
Gas processed at the site will be used to meet the Badra project’s own needs as fuel for the gas-turbine power plant, which equipped with five gas turbines, is able to produce a total 123.5 Mw of electric power to supply oil and gas processing facilities, drilling rigs, and oil-producing wells.
A 10-Mw overhead power line also will soon begin feeding into the Gazprom Neft Badra accommodation complex, as well as into the town of Badra and neighboring populated areas, said Gazprom Neft, which operates Badra field.
NGLs produced at the Badra project’s gas processing plant additionally will be used to produce LPG to be supplied to the Iraqi state-owned Gas Filling Co.