Entered into operation in 1983, the Jurong Island refinery’s catalytic reforming complex also houses a light-naphtha Merox unit, according to SRC’s web site.
Ongoing upgrades
While details regarding the precise scope of the newly announced upgrading program have yet to be revealed by SRC or its stakeholders, SRC has planned a series of in-house and strategic projects at the refinery designed to ensure its long-term competitiveness, SPC said on its web site.
SRC previously awarded a contract to JGC Corp. of Japan to provide engineering, procurement, and construction for a gasoline clean-fuels and a cogeneration plant (CFCP) project at the refinery, JGC said in a Feb. 4, 2014, release.
Designed to enable the refinery to produce gasoline that meets Euro 4 and Euro 5-quality specifications, the CFCP project will include construction of a two-train, 72-Mw cogeneration unit; a 26,000-b/sd gasoline desulfurization unit; an amine treating unit; and a heavy naphtha splitter.
The CFCP is due for startup in 2017.
Contact Robert Brelsford at rbrelsford@ogjonline.com.