Federated Cooperatives Ltd. (FCL) has let a contract to General Electric International Inc. subsidiary GE Power, Schenectady, NY, to provide advanced water-recycling technology for a wastewater improvement project (WIP) at its Coop Refinery Complex (CRC) in Regina, Sask.
GE Power has delivered a combination of its ZeeWeed membrane bioreactor (MBR) technology and a high-efficiency reverse osmosis (HERO) system currently under installation that, once in operation, will allow the refinery to recycle and reuse 2 million gpd of wastewater, the service provider said.
The contract, for which a value was not disclosed, includes wastewater specialty chemicals and monitoring solutions to enable optimization of the system, GE Power said.
The multistage treatment process will use a combination of live bacteria, special filtration units, and HERO to clean and recycle 100% of wastewater on site to enable the refinery to reduce its freshwater use by 28%/year, as well as result in reductions of volatile organic compound emissions and associated nuisance odors from its wastewater ponds, FCL said.
Currently in its commissioning phase, the WIP is due to for full startup this fall.
Once on stream, the more-than-$200 million (Can.) WIP will establish CRC as the only refinery in North America to recycle all of its wastewater to produce steam that will be used for heating, hydrogen production, to power equipment, and for cooling towers, FCL said.
CRC processes 145,000 b/d of crude oil to produce 130,000 b/d of fuels for western Canada.
Contact Robert Brelsford at [email protected].