By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Mar. 28 -- Valero Energy Corp. will use UOP LLC hydroprocessing technologies in integrated hydrocracking and hydrotreating units to be installed at its St. Charles, La., and Houston refineries.
At the 190,000-b/d St. Charles refinery, the new 57,000 b/d unit will produce ultralow-sulfur diesel (ULSD) and treated FCC feed. The 50,000-b/d unit at Valero's 90,000-b/d Houston refinery will produce ULSD.
Engineering and design are under way. Commission is due in 2006.
The units will use UOP's Unicracking technology for upgrading light cycle oil (LCO) to ULSD and naphtha, Distillate Unionfining for upgrading coker diesel to ULSD, and VGO Unionfining for upgrading heavy coker gas oil as FCC feed.
The St. Charles unit will also include FCC feed pretreatment.