By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Apr. 23 -- A rare wildcat on the Great Australian Bight off central southern Australia is on tap. A group led by Woodside Petroleum (Pty.) Ltd. will drill Gnarlyknots-1 on EPP 29 in the Duntroon basin.
The Global-Santa Fe Jack Ryan ultradeepwater drill ship will take the wildcat to 5,600 m in 1,315 m of water. The wellsite is 425 km west of Port Lincoln, on South Australia's Eyre Peninsula.
Woodside 40% and Anadarko Australia Co. Pty. Ltd. and EnCana Corp. 30% each hold interests in 14.2 million acres on 5 blocks and ran seismic in 2000-01.
Only 6 wells have been drilled in the general area (OGJ, June 7, 1999, p. 37).
Gnarlyknots was to have been spud on Apr. 15, and Woodside said the next scheduled report will be made after completion, expected in mid to late June depending on weather, or earlier if required under disclosure rules.
Acreage gazettals in adjacent areas remain outstanding, so data from the well are likely to be commercially sensitive, Woodside explained.