Gascade finalizes OAL subsea pipeline construction
Gascade Gastransport GmbH and StreamTec Solutions AG have officially completed the design, permitting, and construction of the 50-km Ostsee Anbindungsleitung (OAL) subsea natural gas pipeline.
This project—connecting the LNG terminal in Mukran to the German energy grid in Lubmin—was completed, from conception to ready-for-operation, in 18 months as opposed to the usual 5-6 years, the companies said in a release Mar. 1.
The operator noted the final installation of the subsea natural gas pipeline in February, having executed OAL’s above-water tie in. Gas line fill of the 48-in OD system started Feb. 19 and and completed Feb. 26, the company told OGJ in an email.
"Despite a very ambitious schedule, we managed to complete the OAL in record time. The ambitious goal of enabling gas feed-ins into this pipeline in the winter of 2023/24 has been achieved," said Ulrich Benterbusch, managing director of GASCADE.
The OAL, mechanically completed in January 2024, includes the offshore pipeline, two landfalls through micro tunnels, and connections to two floating storage and regasification units (FSRUs).