Baltic Pipe marine warranty surveyor contract let

June 29, 2020
Gaz-System SA has hired Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GMBH, part of international DNV GL group, to provide marine warranty surveyor services for its 275-km, 10-billion cu m/year Baltic Pipe subsea natural gas pipeline.

Polish gas transmission system operator Gaz-System SA has hired Germanischer Lloyd Industrial Services GMBH, part of international DNV GL group, to provide marine warranty surveyor services for its 275-km, 10-billion cu m/year Baltic Pipe subsea natural gas pipeline. Inspectors’ main fields of interest will include acceptance and admission of vessels, maritime transport, transshipment operations, seabed pipelay, and construction of landfall tunnels in Poland and Denmark.

Gaz-System and Danish Energinet on Apr. 30, 2020, contracted Saipem Ltd. to perform pipelay. In second-half 2020, site preparation will begin at the landfalls in Poland and Denmark, including works related to the required tunnels. Pipeline route surveying will also begin in the second half of the year. Vessels preparing the seabed for pipeline installation will mobilize first-half 2021, with pipelay starting third-quarter 2021 to meet an October 2022 in-service date.

Gaz-System also signed a contract with Delta Energy Services AS whose inspectors, on behalf of Gaz-System, supervise linepipe quality and supply.

On May 7, 2020, Sweden’s government approved construction of Baltic Pipe through 85 km of the country’s Baltic Sea exclusive economic zone. The Swedish permit was the last required to begin building the pipeline, Poland and Denmark having already approved work.

The Danish permit covers two offshore sections: one from the coast to the border of Sweden’s marine area and the other from that area, through Danish waters near Bornholm island, to the border of Poland’s marine area. 

About the Author

Christopher E. Smith | Editor in Chief

Christopher brings 27 years of experience in a variety of oil and gas industry analysis and reporting roles to his work as Editor-in-Chief, specializing for the last 15 of them in midstream and transportation sectors.