Woodside lets contract for Pluto-to-NWS pipeline project

Nov. 11, 2019
Woodside Petroleum Ltd., Perth, has let a contract to Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) for the pipeline component of the Pluto-North West Shelf (NWS) Interconnector in Western Australia.

Woodside Petroleum Ltd., Perth, has let a contract to Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) for the pipeline component of the Pluto-North West Shelf (NWS) Interconnector in Western Australia (OGJ Online, June 4, 2019).

A 30-in. pipeline will extend 3.2 km, connecting the Woodside-operated Pluto LNG plant to the NWS project’s Karratha gas plant. It is the first component of the infrastructure needed to transport gas between the two facilities.

AGIG will design, construct, and operate the pipeline in addition to three facilities including a new inlet point and pig launcher adjacent to the Pluto domestic gas export compressor, a meter station near the Karratha plant, and a pig receiver and outlet within the plant.

Design, engineering, and approvals for the pipeline are at an advanced stage, handled by AGIG’s in-house subject matter experts following granting of the pipeline license, PL-122, on Oct. 23, said Jon Cleary, AGIG’s general manager, commercial.

Subject to environmental and regulatory approvals, construction is expected to start in 2020, with procurement and engineering already under way, Cleary said.

Noting the cultural significance of the Burrup Peninsula, extensive cultural heritage surveys were undertaken across the pipeline route to ensure that sensitive areas are protected and avoided during construction and operation of the pipeline, AGIG said. The pipeline route is over land disturbed in the initial construction of the Dampier Bunbury Natural Gas Pipeline in 1983-84.

Regulatory approvals have progressed, AGIG said, including the pipeline license and application for environmental approval. The granting of land access is anticipated before yearend. Construction and operation of the pipeline is subject to finalization of regulatory and relevant joint venture approvals.