Pangea LNG (North America) Holdings LLC has received authorization form the US Department of Energy to export LNG to free-trade-agreement (FTA) nations from its planned South Texas LNG Project being developed on Corpus Christi Bay.
Pangea LNG will be authorized to export as much as 8 million tonnes/year from US gas fields for 25 years beginning on the date of its first export.
Pangea LNG has also filed with DOE to export LNG to non-FTA countries; that application is pending.
The terminal is planned for a 550-acre on the 45-ft deep La Quinta Ship Channel, part of the Port of Corpus Christi on the Texas Gulf Coast. South Texas LNG is subject to federal, state, and local regulatory approvals, the company said, with the US Federal Energy Regulatory Commission acting as lead agency.
The company said it will begin the FERC pre-filing process by this year’s second quarter and expects the project to be in operation by at least 2018.
FTA countries covered by the DOE authorization include Republic of Korea, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Jordan, Mexico, Morocco, Nicaragua, Oman, Panama, Peru, and Singapore.
Pangea LNG (North America) Holdings is a Pangea LNG BV company. Pangea LNG BV is owned by NextDecade International, D&H Solutions AS, and DSME.