Affiliates of QatarEnergy and Shell plc signed two long-term LNG sale agreements for the supply of up to 3.5 million tonnes/year (tpy) of LNG from Qatar to the Netherlands.
The LNG—to be sourced from the two joint ventures between QatarEnergy and Shell that hold interests in Qatar’s North Field East (NFE) and North Field South (NFS) expansion projects—will be delivered to the 16-billion cu m/year Gate LNG terminal owned by Royal Vopak NV and NV Nederlandse Gasunie in the port of Rotterdam starting in 2026 for a term of 27 years.
Shell’s partnership in the North Field LNG expansion projects is made up of a 6.25% share in the 32 million tpy NFE project and a 9.375% share in the 16 million tpy NFS project (OGJ Online, July 5, 2022; Oct. 23, 2022).