Qilak LNG planning 4-million tpy North Slope plant
March 13, 2023
Qilak LNG, owned by Lloyds Energy Ltd., plans to build a 4-million tonne/year near-shore LNG plant off Alaska’s North Slope. Additional capacity could be brought online in future phases.
Qilak LNG, owned by Lloyds Energy Ltd., plans to build a 4-million tonne/year near-shore LNG plant off Alaska’s North Slope. Additional capacity could be brought online in future phases.
The company will use a shipyard-built gravity-based structure to be connected to shore via a 6-mile pipeline. It says the plant would load 3-5 icebreaking LNG carriers per month for shipment to Asia.
Qilak says it has signed heads of agreement with ExxonMobil Corp., operator of 8-tcf Point Thomson reservoir and that “ExxonMobil continues to evaluate [plant] modifications and development activities necessary to support major gas sales agreements with Qilak LNG.”
Former Lt. Governor of Alaska, Mead Treadwell, is Qilak’s chairman and chief executive officer.