A ChevronTexaco Corp. subsidiary said Mexican regulatory authorities have granted it a permit to develop an LNG import terminal off Baja California. Other authorities awarded ChevronTexaco a concession to construct and operate the facility.
By OGJ editors HOUSTON, Jan. 7 -- A ChevronTexaco Corp. subsidiary said Mexican regulatory authorities have granted it a permit to develop an LNG import terminal off Baja California. Other authorities awarded ChevronTexaco a concession to construct and operate the facility.
Mexico's Regulatory Energy Commission (CRE) granted the permit. The Communication and Transport Secretariat granted the offshore concession.
Carlos Atallah, president of ChevronTexaco de Mexico, said the terminal will have an initial design capacity of 700 MMcfd.
The terminal will be more than 8 miles offshore near the Coronado Islands (OGJ Online, Aug. 6, 2003).