Oneok’s Elk Creek NGL pipeline complete

Dec. 12, 2019
Oneok Inc. has completed its 900-mile Elk Creek Pipeline and started deliveries of NGL from Williston basin to the company’s Bushton, Kan., fractionation complex.

Oneok Inc. has completed its 900-mile Elk Creek Pipeline and started deliveries of NGL from Williston basin to the company’s Bushton, Kan., fractionation complex. Elk Creek can transport up to 240,000 b/d of unfractionated NGL, expandable to 400,000 b/d with additional pump stations.

The company expects total Rocky Mountain NGL volume transported on its Elk Creek and Bakken pipelines to reach more than 240,000 b/d by end first-quarter 2020.

Oneok is working to increase connectivity between its Elk Creek and Arbuckle II pipelines and expects to add 65,000 b/d of fractionation by first-quarter 2021 (OGJ Online, July 25, 2019).