Deloitte is largely focused on contributing the skills and knowledge of its people to help nonprofits solve common business challenges. This year was no different. The Houston office hosted a series of workshops for more than 70 CEOs, directors, and managers from a broad range of nonprofits. The goal was to provide insights on how they and their organizations could take control, adapt, and move beyond the current economic crisis.
“Our goal is to make lasting contributions to our communities that help address important social issues,” said Evan Hochberg, national director of community involvement for Deloitte Services LP. “And our experience has been that when able to function more efficiently and effectively, nonprofits will reap considerably more value — and do far more good — for communities in need.”
The “Managing Through Difficult Times” workshop focused on assessing and managing risk. Steven Lufburrow, president and CEO of Goodwill Industries of Houston, shared the Goodwill story. Participants heard “one of their own” tell a cautionary tale of an organization that unexpectedly faced tough times and had to go through significant changes on its journey to becoming the stronger organization it is today.
Nonprofit leaders are grateful for the assistance. “The business experience and practical information Deloitte volunteers are offering is invaluable to nonprofit organizations, especially as we navigate through this tough economic climate,” said Anna M. Babin, president and CEO, United Way of Greater Houston.
TOP: Deloitte’s Anne Taylor welcomes nonprofit executives on IMPACT Day. BOTTOM: : Deloitte’s Ashlee Smith mentors a Reagan High School student.
“I was personally very pleased with the feedback we received from the session. Several participants asked about having Deloitte people serve on their boards. It showed me the difference each of us can make in our communities, and made me very proud to be a part of Deloitte,” said Bill Kacal partner, Deloitte & Touche LLP, and chairman, Goodwill Industries of Houston.
Deloitte volunteers also made an impact at local schools. Multiple skills-based workshops took place at two Houston schools, Reagan High School and Hogg Middle School. Student-targeted sessions included budgeting, ethics, job shadowing, and an MBA case review.
“Throughout the year, Deloitte volunteers mentor students at these schools, teach hundreds of classes through Junior Achievement, host job shadow days and judge science fairs, among other things. We’re proud that our relationship with these schools enables us to reach thousands of students each year, helping them to understand the importance of education and the opportunities it can afford them,” said Anne Taylor, vice chairman and regional managing partner, Deloitte LLP.
Deloitte’s involvement at local schools is greatly appreciated. “John H. Reagan High School is very privileged and honored to be apart of IMPACT day,” said Connie Berger, principal at Reagan High School. The school has been a part of Deloitte’s IMPACT Day efforts for the past three years. The involvement has “added a lot of value to our campus and school community,” continued Berger.
The 10th anniversary of Deloitte’s IMPACT Day is a testament to its commitment to make a difference in its communities. Deloitte’s Taylor put it simply, “When we apply the same commitment, talent and teamwork we use to serve our clients to help people in need, we can make a significant difference in our communities.”