Method estimates arctic well thermal insulation efficiency

Oct. 6, 1997
For wells in an arctic environment, a simple method was developed for estimating the effect of thermal insulation on the maximum radius of thawing of permafrost and then determining thermal insulation efficiency. Knowledge of the thawed radius is critical for predicting platform stability and well bore integrity.
I.M. Kutasov
MultSpectrum Technologies
Santa Monica, Calif.
For wells in an arctic environment, a simple method was developed for estimating the effect of thermal insulation on the maximum radius of thawing of permafrost and then determining thermal insulation efficiency.

Knowledge of the thawed radius is critical for predicting platform stability and well bore integrity.


Oil and gas flowing through the wells in permafrost areas can be at a high temperature, such as 190° F., that makes thawing of permafrost unavoidable during long-term production. If the thawed soil cannot withstand the load of the upper soil layers, consolidation will take place, and the corresponding settling can significantly shift the surface.

Estimates show that the magnitude of settlement (the center displacement of the thawed soil ring) and the axial compressive stress are proportional to the squared values of the thawed radius.1

For injection wells, thawing of the permafrost greatly increases the heat loss from the well bore. Thus, knowledge of the thawed radius is critical for predicting platform stability and well bore integrity, as well as for estimating heat loss from wells.

In many cases an insulation layer for the producing strings can significantly reduce permafrost thawing.


A computer program was used to obtain a numerical solution for differential equations for the Stefan equation and the heat conductivity in the insulation and frozen and thawed zones. The numerical solutions show that Equation 1 (see equation box) can approximate the heat flow rate from the well bore.

The effective thermal conductivity of insulation (Kef) can be determined from Equation 2.

Usually for producing wells, the value of the dimensionless formation temperature is small so that to include a safety factor, one can neglect the heat flow to the frozen zone.

With Equation 1 at q = 0 and assuming a steady-state temperature distribution in the thawed zone, one obtains the solution of the Stefan equation (Equation 3).

The maximum value of the thawed radius (Hmax) is when J = 0. With J = 0, Equation 3 becomes Equation 4.

Equation 5 is a good approximation of Equation 4.

The ratio of the thickness of the thawing layers (around the well bore) with and without insulation can be expressed by the thermal insulation efficiency coefficient Y.

Equation 7 is obtained by combining Equations 3, 4, and 6.

Table 1 [87,602 bytes] shows the values calculated from Equation 7.

Example calculation

As an example, an oil company is considering installing insulated 3.5-in. tubing in a 17.5-in. well bore. The estimated effective thermal conductivity of insulation is K ef = 0.040 BTU/hr-ft-°F. The problem is to obtain the values of the thermal insulation efficiency coefficient C after 2-10 years of production. The following data are known: r1 = 1.496 in., rw = 8.75 in., at = 0.030 sq ft/hr, Kt = 1.0 BTU/(hr-ft-°F.), qf = 3,000 BTU/cu ft, To = 180° F., t1 = 2 years = 17,520 hr, and t2 = 10 years = 87,600 hr.

In Step 1, compute the dimensionless parameters as follows: J = (1.0/0.040) ln(8.75/1.496) = 44, If = (0.03 3 3,000)/(180 3 1.0) = 0.500, tD1 = (0.030 3 17,520)/ (17.5/24)2 = 990, tD2 = (0.030 3 87,600)/(17.5/24)2 = 4,940, tD1/If = 990/0.500 = 1,980, and tD2/If = 4,940/0.500 = 9,940.

In Step 2, determine the values of Hmax for t1 = 2 years and t2 = 10 years from Equation 4 as follows: Hmax,1 = 1 + 1.2582 3 1,9800.4376 = 35.86, and Hmax,2 = 1 + 1.1608 3 9,9400.4477 = 72.51.

Next, in Step 3, find the values of function Y as follows: Y1 = Y (44, 35.86) = 0.2395 and Y2 = Y (44, 72.51) = 0.2754.

In the last step, Step 4, Equation 5 finds H1 and H2 as follows: H1 = 1 + (35.86 - 1) 3 0.2395 = 9.35, and H2 = 1 + (72.51 - 1) 3 0.2754 = 20.69.

Thus, insulation on the producing strings significantly reduced the permafrost thawing around the well bore. It is interesting to note the drastic reduction of the volume (mass) of the thawed formations.

Indeed, introducing the ratio of thawed volumes, M = [(Hmax - 1)/(H - 1)]2, we estimate that M1 = (34.86/8.35)2 = 17.4 and M2 = (71.51/19.69)2 = 13.2.


  1. Palmer, A., "Thawing and the Differential Settlement of the Ground Around Oil Wells in Permafrost, the U.S.S.R.," Second International Conference, National Academy of Science, Washington, D.C., July 13-28, 1978.

The Author

I.M. Kutasov is a consultant with MultSpectrum Technologies in Santa Monica, Calif. He was a graduate faculty member in the petroleum engineering and geosciences department at Louisiana Tech University and worked for Shell Development Co., Houston, as a research physicist. Kutasov has an MS in physics from Yakutsk State University and a PhD in physics from O. Schmidt Earth Physics Institute in Moscow. Kutasov is a member of SPE.

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