Horizontal Devonian well spurs Michigan work

July 29, 1996
G. Alan Petzet Exploration Editor A Michigan operator has applied for federal funding to help drill more horizontal wells to Devonian Dundee in Crystal field of Montcalm County. Cronus Development Co., Traverse City, has produced about 12,000 bbl of oil during October 1995-June 1996 from a 100 ft horizontal lateral at its 1 Tow, in 3-10n-5w (OGJ, Nov. 6, 1995, p. 56).

G. Alan Petzet
Exploration Editor

A Michigan operator has applied for federal funding to help drill more horizontal wells to Devonian Dundee in Crystal field of Montcalm County.

Cronus Development Co., Traverse City, has produced about 12,000 bbl of oil during October 1995-June 1996 from a 100 ft horizontal lateral at its 1 Tow, in 3-10n-5w (OGJ, Nov. 6, 1995, p. 56).

Some of the field's vertical wells watered out within a year, but the 1 Tow has produced no water from the 12-15 ft thick formation. It has been allowed to flow at rates of 80 b/d to more than 200 b/d since early 1996. The well encountered nearly original reservoir pressure and is thought capable of flowing at much higher rates.

As many as six more horizontal wells may be drilled in the field starting this fall. Funding is being sought from the U.S. Department of Energy. The operator believes use of coiled tubing and higher mud pressures could overcome lost circulation experienced in the first well and result in laterals of 1,500-2,000 ft.

Other formations such as the slightly shallower Devonian Traverse lime will have similar characteristics and could also be horizontally drilled. Michigan Technological University, Houghton, Mich., participated in the project.

Other operators of Michigan Devonian reservoirs are awaiting publication of official project data with an eye toward implementing similar projects.

Only four Devonian horizontal wells have been staked in Michigan outside the Devonian Antrim shale gas play, Petroleum Information reports.

Union Oil Co. of California proposed its first horizontal test in the state last month.

Unocal's 5 HD1 Seely, in 17-25n-4w, in Beaver Creek field of Crawford County, is to have a 2,000 ft lateral in the Devonian Detroit River Group at about 4,000 ft TVD.

The field has produced since 1947 from the group's Richfield formation.

Apollo Exploration & Development Inc. applied for a permit to drill a horizontal Dundee well in Sylvan oil field, Osceola County.

And Ranch Production LLC proposed to drill a horizontal test to Traverse in Stony Lake field, Oceana County.

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