This is one of three 36-in. single gimbal expansion joints installed earlier this year by ARCO Products Co. in the polypropylene process at its Long Beach, Calif., refinery. One joint was installed on the compressor suction line, the other two joints on the compressor discharge line. Piping Technology & Products Inc.'s subsidiary U.S. Bellows Inc., Houston, manufactured the joints. They were designed for 750 psig and 275° F.
Fabricated from Inconel 625 material, the joints are equipped with testing ports to detect leaks between two plies. Total assembled weight of each expansion joint was 14,560 lb. Expansion joints, in general, says Bellows, allow for axial, lateral, angular, and torsional movement in piping systems. Gimbal expansion joints alone accept angular movement in both planes. (Photograph from U.S. Bellows Inc., Houston)