Twenty-five field development projects are likely on the Indian subcontinent during the next 6 years, Wood Mackenzie Consultants Ltd. reports.
The Edinburgh analyst reckons the fields will yield about 900 million bbl of oil and condensate and 19 tcf of gas and require capital spending of more than $5.6 billion during the next 6-8 years.
By 2000, Wood Mackenzie estimates, these new developments could account for 25% of liquids production and 27% of gas production in the region.
Almost two-thirds of the developments and likely developments lie onshore. Wood Mackenzie says that's because most exploration in Pakistan and Bangladesh has occurred in onshore basins.
"The next decade is likely to see a surge of interest in the offshore regions of both countries," Wood Mackenzie said.
That prediction takes into account the pending announcement during the next 6-12 months of new licensing rounds and, in the case of Pakistan, revised fiscal terms for offshore exploration.
With recent advances in subsea and multiphase flow technology and the trend toward exploration in deeper water, the analyst expects the number of development projects using subsea completions or floating production systems to increase.
Wood Mackenzie identified 12 possible development projects that are thought likely to start production beyond 2000: five projects in Bangladesh, a series of small fields forming one development prospect off India, and six discoveries in Pakistan.
Oil Capital
Country/ (million Gas cost
field Operator Type* bbl) (bcf) Start-up (million $)
Beanibazar Petrobangla O 110 1997 20
Belabo Petrobangla O 130 1996 20
Fenchuganj Petrobangla O 210 1997 20
Jalalabad Occidental O 16 900 1995+ 85
Kutubdia Cairn P 450 1997 200
Sematung Cairn O 100 1996+ 15
Kharsang Geopetrole O 56 70 1995+ N/A
Mid & S. Tapti Enron P 1,100 1996 610
Mukta & Panna Enron F, P 175 250 1996 470
Neelam ONGC P 460 300 1996 1,200
PY-3 Vaalco F, P 36 1996+ 25
Ravva Command P 100 100 1995 200
Yadana Total P 5,720 1998 1,045
Yetagun Texaco P, S 50 1,500 2000+ 1,000
Badin-I Union Texas O 55 1996 30
Badin-II Union Texas O 1 68 1995 30
Mazarani Pakistan Petroleum O 19 1996 15
Nandpur OGDC O 300 1995+ 60
Pindori Pakistan Oilfields O 12 45 1996 40
Qadirpur OGDC O 4,000 1995+ 300
Uch OGDC O 4,000 1998 300
*O = onshore, P = platform, F = floating production system, S = subsea system. Under development.
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