Production Report Frac pack technology still evolving

Oct. 23, 1995
Charles D. Ebinger Ely & Associates Inc. Houston Success of frac packs depends on candidate selection, treatment design, fluids and proppants, downhole tools, and treatment implementation. Current frac packing techniques have partially evolved from high-permeability stimulation in the Kuparuk field, Alaska. In the Gulf of Mexico (GOM), attempts were made as early as the mid-1960s to hydraulically fracture sands. These early treatments were not highly successful because of techniques,

Charles D. Ebinger, is a consultant with Ely & Associates Inc. in Houston, working in fracture stimulation design and supervision of on site jobs. He previously worked for Dowell in various engineering and management positions and formed Stim-tech, an engineering firm. He was also vice-president of Smith Energy Services. Ebinger has a BS in petroleum/geological engineering from the Colorado School of Mines. He is a registered professional engineer and a member of SPE. Copyright 1995 Oil & Gas Journal. All Rights Reserved.