Pakistan Petroleum Ltd. has succeeded in conducting a seismic survey on Block 2,769-1 (Qadirpur West) northeast of Sukkur in the Central Indus basin.
The seismic crew was deployed along with the required security cover for the survey during the current weather window. Western Geophysical mobilized the crew Apr. 8.
The operations, including line layout and drilling/loading of shot holes, commenced Apr. 12. Data recording began Apr. 22 with a cumulative coverage of 38.8 line km as of May 3. The survey was completed May 5.
The Qadirpur West exploration license is in Jacobabad and Ghotki districts of Sindh Province. Surrounding it are Kandhkot and Qadirpur gas fields and the Badar gas discovery.
PPL, with 65% working interest, operates the block. Partners are Pakistan Petroleum Exploration Ltd. 25%, Premier and Shell Pakistan BV 5%, and Government Holdings 5%.
The joint venture had an obligation to acquire 50 line km of seismic data on the block. PPL made several abortive attempts to acquire data in the area during a low-flood period in 1995-96. However, the work could not be carried out due to adverse security conditions in the area and unavailability of a seismic crew within weather windows.
Consequently, force majeure was invoked on Dec. 5, 1996. After several efforts, PPL managed to start the survey and lift the force majeure.
The survey area mostly lies on the northern part of the block in difficult terrain mostly surrounded by the Indus River and its tributaries. Thus, it forms a sort of island popularly known as Adam Ka Tibba (see map, OGJ, Oct. 26, 1998, p. 93, Fig. 4). Thick scrub covers the area, and access is difficult.