The $1 billion Yadana natural gas pipeline, one of the most controversial energy projects in the world, is expected to go on stream by the end of first quarter 2000. Beset by delays and supply-contract woes, the project has also been a lightning rod for environmental lobby groups and human rights activists around the world-the latter over unconfirmed allegations of slave labor used by the military junta ruling Myanmar in its construction. The 665-km Yadana pipeline extends from Yadana gas field, located in the Andaman Sea off Myanmar, to an Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand power plant in Ratchaburi province. The Yadana consortium is held by operator TotalFina SA (31.24%), Unocal Corp. (28.26%), Thai state oil company PTT Exploration & Production (25.5%), and state-owned Myanma Oil & Gas Enterprise (15%).