The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission plans to revise its record filing requirements for U.S. interstate gas pipelines because the systems are now more gas transporters than merchants.
The commission also plans to launch a program to develop filing requirements and criteria to evaluate pipelines' nontraditional rate proposals.
FERC will review its present incentive rate policy with an eye toward updating it.
The commission also will determine when market based rates are appropriate.
Under the proposed records rule, FERC will simplify forms such as pipeline annual reports, the Uniform System of Accounts, and pipeline tariff and rate change filings.
FERC explained, "Regulatory changes, such as the implementation of open access transportation rules under Order 636 and the resulting shift of pipelines from merchants to transporters, have restructured the gas industry, dating the current filing requirements. The revisions will reduce the overall regulatory burden on the industry."
The commission staff will conduct a technical conference with industry on the possibility of filing various reports electronically.
The Interstate Natural Gas Association of America supported the action. It said, "The gas market has changed dramatically since FERC last looked at its reporting rules. The competitive market itself provides a wealth of information for all segments of the industry."
Copyright 1994 Oil & Gas Journal. All Rights Reserved.
Issue date: 12/26/94