Anne K. Rhodes
Here is an assay of West Texas Intermediate, one of the world's market crudes. The price of this crude, known as WTI, is followed by market analysts, investors, traders, and industry managers around the world.
WTI price is used as a benchmark for pricing all other U.S. crude oils. The 410 API, 0.34 wt % sulfur crude is gathered in West Texas and moved to Cushing, Okla., for distribution.
The WTI posted price is the price paid for the crude at the wellhead in West Texas and is the true benchmark on which other U.S. crudes are priced. The spot price is the negotiated price for short-term trades of the crude. And the New York Mercantile Exchange, or Nymex price is a futures price for barrels delivered at Cushing.
Whole crude
Gravity, 0API: 40.8
Specific gravity @ 60/60 F.: 0.8212
Sulfur, wt %: 0.34
Vis., cSt @ 600 F.: 5.24
Neut. no., mg/g: 0.10
Nitrogen, wt %: 0.08
Pour pt., 0F.: -20
Light ends
C1-C5, wt %: 4.35
Range, 0F.: 68-347
Yield, vol %: 32.39
RON, clear: 56.4*
Sulfur, wt %: 0.0314
Range, 0F.: 347-563
Yield, vol %.: 23.50
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.8201
Sulfur, wt %: 0.110
Aniline pt., 0F.: 150.5
Vis., cSt @ 1000 F.: 1.87
Freeze pt., 0F: -25
Pour pt., 0F.: -33
Smoke pt., mm: 22.1
Range, 0F.: 563-650
Yield, vol %: 8.10
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.8529
Sulfur, wt %: 0.289
Aniline pt., 0F.: 176.9
Vis., cSt @ 1000 F.: 6.21
Freeze pt., 0F.: 38*
Pour pt., 0F.: 30
Range, 0F.: 650-1,049
Yield, vol %: 24.30
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.8960
Sulfur, wt %: 0.445
Nitrogen, wt %: 0.105
V/Ni, ppm: 0.04*/O.09*
Range, 0F.: 650-1,500
Yield, vol %: 33.30
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.9153
Sulfur, wt %: 0.72
Vis., cSt @ 1400 F.: 56.8
Pour pt., 0F: 78
V/Ni, ppm: 4.3/4.3
Fe, ppm: 20.2
Range, 0F.: 761-1,500
Yield, vol %: 25.30
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.9268
Penetration @ 250 C., mm: 2,0001
Vis., cSt @ 2120 F.: 26.70
Range, 0F.: 878-1,500
Yield, vol %: 17.95
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.9403
Penetration @ 250 C., mm: 2,0001
Vis., cSt @ 2120 F.: 58.7
Range, 0F.: 1,049-1,500
Yield, vol %: 9,00
Specific gravity @ 60/60: 0.9672
Penetration @ 250 C., mm: 1,035.51
Vis., cSt @ 2120 F.: 360.3
* Extrapolated
1 Estimated
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