Dec. 19, 1994
Nine companies have agreed to form a group to build a big subsea gas pipeline linking the gas grids of the U.K. and Continental Europe. Principal partner in the project is British Gas plc, which is committed to an 8 billion cu m/year throughput. That is equal to a 40% interest in the pipeline.

Nine companies have agreed to form a group to build a big subsea gas pipeline linking the gas grids of the U.K. and Continental Europe.

Principal partner in the project is British Gas plc, which is committed to an 8 billion cu m/year throughput. That is equal to a 40% interest in the pipeline.

Pending submission of a planning application early in 1995, Interconnector (U.K.) Ltd. would begin laying the 240 km, 40 in. Interconnector pipeline as early as spring 1996. A first half 1996 start of construction would allow the $1.73 billion line to begin service as early as October 1998 with capacity of 20 billion m/year.

The Interconnector line would link the British gas grid at Bacton with Continental Europe's gas pipeline system via a connection at Zeebrugge with the Belgian pipeline grid. At first, Interconnector would export gas from the U.K. North Sea to markets in Europe, but the system also would allow Britain to import gas.

Partners with British Gas in the Interconnector group are British Petroleum Co. plc, Conoco U.K. Ltd., Elf U.K. plc, Gazprom, Amerada Hess Ltd., Distrigaz SA, National Power plc, and Ruhrgas AG.

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