WAEPA approves Pluto-NWS interconnector gas pipeline
The Western Australian Environmental Protection Authority (WAEPA) has recommended environmental approval for the proposed natural gas pipeline interconnector between the Pluto and North West Shelf LNG plants on the Burrup Peninsula.
The recommendation comes with conditions, including the protection of the internationally significant Aboriginal rock art (petroglyphs) in the area.
The proposal is for a 3.3-km buried steel pipeline within the Dampier to Bunbury gas trunk line corridor to connect the two plants, both of which are operated by Woodside Petroleum Ltd.
WAEPA says its assessment included targeted consultation with key indigenous stakeholders for the Burrup region to avoid potential disturbance to archaeological and ethnographic sites during construction.
WAEPA has recommended the requirement of the implementation of a cultural heritage management plan to ensure the pipeline proposal does not cause long-term impacts on Aboriginal heritage values or on flora and fauna. A construction environmental management plan also has been recommended to minimize impacts during the building of the line on fauna such as the northern quoll and the olive python.
WAEPA’s report to the Western Australia minister for environment is now open for public comment for 14 days after which the minister will make a final decision on WAEPA’s recommendation for approval of the project.