BLM seeks comments on proposed southwestern Wyoming gas well

June 1, 2009
The US Bureau of Land Management's Kemmerer, Wyo., field office is seeking comments on a proposed natural gas exploration well and associated developments in southwestern Wyoming.

The US Bureau of Land Management's Kemmerer, Wyo., field office is seeking comments on a proposed natural gas exploration well and associated developments in southwestern Wyoming.

It said that Gary-Williams Production Co., a division of Denver-based Gary-Williams Energy Corp., applied to drill a single well, develop associated production facilities, and construct an access road and pipeline approximately 22 miles northwest of Kemmerer.

The company has said that it might drill a second well directionally from the same well pad if production results from the first justify it. The location was chosen to accommodate two wells directionally drilled from a common pad and using the same production facilities, the BLM field office said.

It said that the proposed project's scoping notice can be found online at Comments will be accepted through July 2.

Contact Nick Snow at [email protected]