*Designates projects listed for the first time.
BIG THREE INDUSTRIES INC. Port Neches, Tex. 37,000 kw cogeneration plant.
CROCKETT COGEN. Crockett, Calif. 240 Mw gas fired cogeneration plant under construction. DD/PE/CS: Bechtel. Completion: 1996.
DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY. Pinon Pine. Clean coal project in the engr. stage. Lic: Kellogg. Engr: Sierra Pacific. Contr: Foster Wheeler. Completion: 1996.
DESTEC ENERGY Inc. Fort Meade, Fla. 212,000 kw Tiger Bay cogeneration plant under construction. $220 MM. Completion: 1995.
Green Bay, Wisc. 260,000 kw gas fired cogeneration plant. $200 MM. Completion: 1995.
Ludington, Mich. 123,000 kw cogeneration plant. (joint venture with MCN Corp.) $150 MM. Completion: 1996.
West Terre Haute, Ind. 270,000 kw coal gasification/combined cycle power plant. $592 MM. Completion: End 1996.
Kalama, Wash. (joint venture with Kalama Chemical) 220,000 kw natural gas fired cogeneration plant.
EASTERN ENERGY SYSTEMS. Hagerstown, Md. $1 00 MM gas fired cogeneration plant.
EXXON Co. U.S.A. Benicia, Calif. 49,000 kw cogeneration plant.
HOECHST-CELANESE. Bridgewater Township, N.J. new cogeneration plant in engr. stage. $4.5 MM. Engr: H-R.
HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO. LaPorte, Tex. 160,000 kw cogeneration plant at E.[. Du Pont chemical complex in engr. stage. Completion: January 1995.
HUNTERDON Ltd. Clinton, N.J. new cogeneration plant in engr. stage. $4.1 MM. Engr/PE/CS: H-R.
J. MAKOWSKI Co. Albany, N.Y. 265,000 gas fired cogeneration plant. Second phase.
LG&E DEVELOPMENT CORP. Port of Rensselaer, N.Y. 79,000 kw gas-fired cogeneration plant. $110 MM.
MISSION ENERGY Co. Brooklyn Navy Yard, N.Y. 286,000 kw cogeneration plant. $370 MM.
MONTCLAIR Ltd. Montclair, N.J. new cogeneration plant in engr. stage. $5.3 MM. Engr/PE/CS: H-R.
NIGARA MOHAWK POWER Corp. Lakewood, N.J. (joint venture with Consolidated Natural Gas Co. and Tomen Corp.) 237,000 kw natural gas cogeneration plant under construction. $262 MM.
NORTH CANADIAN OILS Ltd. Gouverner, N.Y. 49,000 kw cogeneration plant planned.
Beaver Falls and Syracuse, N.Y. cogeneration plant planned.
OHIO ONTARIO CLEAN FUELS Inc. Warren, Ohio 12,280 b/d coal to liquid fuel (using catalytic process to liquefy crushed and ground coal). Design: HRI. Engr: Stone & Webster. $225 MM. Completion: 1995.
ORANGE COGENERATION LP. Bartow, Fla. 103,000 kw gas fired combined cycle cogeneration plant. $45 MM. Design/CS: Zurn Industries.. Completion: Mid-1995.
PACIFIC GENERATION Co. San Francisco Bay area, Calif. 50 MMcfd capacity gas fueled plant. Engr/PE/CS: Bechtel Power Corp. Completion: Late 1995.
PENTECH ENERGY Inc. Avon Lake, Ohio. 100,000 kw combustion turbine and heat recovery unit.
50,000 kw steam turbine generator.
SALT CITY ENERGY VENTURE. Solvay, N.Y. Conversion of a direct coal fired power plant. 80,000 kw of electricity and 40,000 lb/hr of process steam. $78 MM. Engr: Duke/Fluor Corp.
SARANAC POWER PARTNERS L.P. Plattsburgh, N.Y. 240,000 kw cogeneration plant. Project Dev: Falcon Seaboard. Completion: 1994.
SHELL OIL Co. Deer Park, Tex. cogeneration plant capable of producing 150,000 kw electrical power and 13 MM lb/hr of steam. Completion: Mid-1995.
SITHE ENERGIES INC. Oswego, N.Y. 1 MM kw gas-fired independence cogeneration plant. $850 MM. Completion: January 1995.
SOUTH CAROLINA ELECTRIC & GAS Co. Orangeburg, S.C. 385 Mw coal fired power plant under construction. Contr: Fluor Daniel. Completion: 1996.
TAMPA ELECTRIC CO. Polk Co., Fla. 260 Mw coal-fueled integrated gasification combine cycle power plant under construction. Tech: Texaco. DD/PE/CS: Bechtel. Completion: 1996.
TEXACO REFINING AND MARKETING Inc. El Dorado, Ark. *$75 MM gasification power plant at refinery. Completion: 2 nj Qtr. 1996.
U.S. GENERATING Co. Hermiston, Ore. 474,000 kw gas fired cogeneration plant.
ALBERTA NATURAL GAS CO. Crows nest Pass, B.C. $150 MM gas-fired cogeneration plant planned.
CARDINAL POWER OF CANADA LP. Cardinal, Ont. (joint venture of Husky Oil Ltd. and Sithe Energies Inc.) 156,000 kw cogeneration plant. C$123 MM. Contr: AGRA Industries.
DU PONT CANADA Inc. Brockville, Ont. gas fired cogeneration plant. $37 MM.
ESSO RESOURCES CANADA Ltd. (OSLO project). Fort McMurray, Alta. (Consortium members: Esso (25%); Canadian Occidental Petroleum Ltd. (20%); Gulf Canada Resources Ltd. (20%); Petro-Canada (15%); PanCanadian Petroleum Ltd. (1 0%); and Alberta Oil Sands Equity (lo%)). 77,000 b/d from oil sands. Basic engr. and site preparation studies proceeding. $3.5 billion. Completion: 1996.
NW ENERGY (Williams Lake) Corp. Williams Lake, B.C. 60,000 kw biomass power plant. C$150 MM,
TENASKA CANADA Ltd. Etobikoke, Ont. cogeneration plant planned. $C120 MM.
TENNECO GAS CANADA Inc. North Vancouver, B.C. $100 MM cogeneration plant planned to produce 80,000-130,000 kw of electrical power. Fueled by natural gas and hydrogen.
WESTCOAST ENERGY LTD. 180 Mw cogeneration plant on British Columbia coast. C$160 MM.
WEST WINDSOR POWER. Windsor, Ont. 102,000 kw gas fired combined cycle generating plant with associated steam capacity of 210,000 lb/hr. Completion: 4th Qtr. 1995.
BEIJING COKING & CHEMICAL WORKS. Beijing. 66 MMcfd coal gasification plant under construction.
JINCHANG GAS CY. Jinchang, Ganshu. 4.6 MMcfd coal gasification plant under construction.
QINHUANGDAO COAL. Qhd. 10.6 MMcfd coal gasification plant under construction.
SHANGHAI COKING & CHEMICAL CO. Shanghai. 1,100 t/d coal gasification plant to produce ammonia.
SHOUDU IRON & STEEL Co. Beijing. 1.1 mt/d coal gasification plant under construction. Contr: CTIP. Completion: 1995.
SHINO-CANADIAN COOPERATIVE CHANGHAI GAS ELECTRIC GENERATION Co. Jingbian County, Shaanxi province. 15,000 kw gas fired cogeneration plant. Completion; Fall 1996.
YANRI CWM Co. Shandong. *250,000 mt/y coal water mixture in engr. stage. Contr: JGC Corp. Completion: 1992.
WEIHE CHEMICAL FERTILIZER PLANT. Xian. 1,500 t/d coal gasification plant. Lic: Texaco, Inc. Completion: 1996.
CHINESE PETROLEUM Corp. Taoyuan County. 4 MM kw gas fired power plant. (joint venture with Taiwan Power Co.) Completion: 2003.
ENRON EUROPE LTD. 300,000 kw natural gas-fired cogeneration plant. $350 MM, Completion: 1995.
GUJARAT STATE FERTILIZERS. Baroda. Phase 111, 50,000 mt/y cogeneration plant. Contr: DCPL/BHEL. Completion: July 1995.
NATIONAL PEROXIDE LTD. BOMBAY. Kalyan. 1.2 MMcfd hydrogen plant in engr. stage. $4 MM. CS: Davy Powergas India. Completion: 1994.
TAMIL NADU INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT Corp. Tamil Nadu. 1.5 Gw lignite-fueled power station. $2,300 MM.
ANONIMA PETROLI ITALIANA. Falconara. 220,000 kw cogeneration unit. Tech: Texaco. Completion: 1996.
INDUSTRIA SICILIANA ASFALTI e BITUMI. Priolo Gargollo, Sicily. 240,000 kw reside fired combined cycle gasification cogeneration plant. $1,000 MM. Engr: Foster Wheeler Italiana SpA.
SARA SpA. Sarroch. *500,000 kw resid fired combined cycle/gasification cogeneration plant. Tech: Texaco. Completion: 1998.
SHELL NED. RAFF. Pernis. 120 Mw cogeneration plant in engr. stage. PD/Engr/PE/CS: Comprimo. Completion: 1997.
180,000 kw geothermal plant in Kahanagdong geothermal field and 120,000 kw geothermal plant Upper Mahiao geothermal field. $350 MM. Contr: California Energy Co. Completion: June 1997.
VISAYAS GEOTHERMAL POWER Co. Leyte Island. to build, own, and operate a three unit, 231,000 kw geothermal power plant. Contr: Sumitomo Corp. Phase I 77,000 kw plant completion: July 1996. Phase II - 154,000 kw plant Completion: July 1997.
ELOCOGAS. Puertollano. 2,600 mt/d coal gasification plant in engr. stage. PD/Engr/DD/PE/CS: Krupp Koppers. Completion: 1996.
U.G.E. Teruel. coal gasification plant. Engr. stage. PD: John Brown. Completion: 1994.
ELECTRICITY GENERATING AUTHORITY OF THAILAND. Northeast Thailand. 355,000 kw combined cycle cogeneration plant planned. Feed: natural gas from Nam Phong field. Completion: 1995.
THAI OLEFINS. (joint venture with Tractebel of Belgium - 9.8% and British Gas 39.2%) 160,000 mw gas fired cogeneration plant. $340 MM.
ENRON EUROPE LTD. (joint venture with Wing-Merril Group and GAMA) feasibility study on a 1.7 million kw natural gas-fired combined cycle cogeneration plant in the Aegean region.
BP ENERGY Ltd. York. 9,000 kw gas turbine plant. $12 MM. Completion: January 1995.
Cornwall. 3,700 kw plant. $6 MM.
BRITISH GAS plc. Westfield, Scotland. New coal briquetting plant under construction. Contr: Babcock.
DERWENT COGENERATION LTD. Derby, England. (joint venture of Southern Electric Power Generation Ltd, Mission Energy Co., Courtaulds Chemicals) 214,000 kw cogeneration plant at the Courtaulds Chemicals Spondon plant. $240 MM.
NATIONAL POWER. Kent. 38,000 kw natural gas/distillate oil fired cogeneration plant. 20 MM. Completion: Mid-1994.
SCOTTISHPOWER PLC. Knapton, England. 40 Mw power plant and fuel gas processing facilities in engr. stage. $44 MM. Design/Engr/PE/CS: Costain Oil, Gas & Process Ltd. Completion: 1994.
GENEVAPCA CA. Cardon. 300,000 kw cogeneration power plant. Contr: Westinghouse Electric Corp/Raytheon Engineers & Constructors. Completion: Mid-1995.
TECNOCONSULT SA. Cardon $130 million replacement cogeneration power plant operated by Maraven SA. Engr: Raytheon.
BHP PETROLEUM Pty. Ltd. Ho Chi Minh City. *Joint venture with General Electric Co. to build a $81 0 MM natural gas fired power plant. Completion: 1999.