Canada's National Energy Board has again turned down a bid by environmentalists to block shipments of Canadian gas to the U.S.
In the latest move, NEB denied a request by environmental groups to adjourn a gas export hearing under way in Calgary. Ken Vollman, chairman of a three-member NEB panel, said the board was not persuaded an adjournment is necessary.
NEB earlier ruled against an pansion of the scope of environmental review of such, exports (OGJ, July 25, p. 48). Environmental groups hope to obtain a federal review of gas exploration and development.
The board at present is considering applications for export licenses filed by CanStates Gas Marketing Ltd., Chevron Canada Resources Ltd., Renaissance Energy Ltd., and: Western Gas Marketing Ltd. They involve volumes of about 430 bcf during 15 years.
Environmentalists argued the board failed to require companies to meet the information provisions of the National Energy Board Act, and NEB thus did not have authority to hear the applications.
The board said if parties believe the information is missing they will have an opportunity to ask for it during the current hearing. It also said parties will be able to make a case during final arguments if they believe the board exceeded its jurisdiction.
Mike Sawyer, a spokesman for the Rocky Mountain Ecosystem Coalition, declared NEB Chairman Roland Priddle favors the petroleum industry and should not be heading the NEB.
Lawyers for several applicants told the board prior to its ruling the request for an adjournment was aimed at preventing gas suppliers from meeting deadlines to serve U.S.,customers.
A lawyer for Hermiston Generating Co LP said the feasibility of a proposed cogeneration plant in northern Oregon could be harmed by undue delay in gas export approvals. CanStates and Chevron hold contracts to supply gas to the plant.
The hearing continues.
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