By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, July 8 -- Oklahoma City-based Kerr-McGee Corp. named the management team that will lead its worldwide oil and natural gas exploration and production following the June 25 completion of its merger with Westport Resources Corp. The team, led by Dave Hager, Kerr-McGee senior vice-president, oil and gas exploration, production, includes:
Darrell Hollek, vice-president, U.S. onshore exploration, production and development;
Chuck Meloy, vice-president, Gulf of Mexico exploration, production and development;
Terence Jupp, vice-president and managing director of U.K. operations;
Tim Martin, vice-president, international and new venture exploration and development;
Susan Burke, vice-president of environmental, health and safety, and supply-chain initiatives;
Joe Flake, vice-president of business services.
Under Hollek's leadership, the regions are headed by Jim Kleckner, vice-president, Rocky Mountain division, and Grant Henderson, vice-president, Southern division.