Mubadala Petroleum signs MoU for Delek’s Tamar gas field stake

April 26, 2021
Mubadala Petroleum, Abu Dhabi, has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Delek Drilling's 22% non-operated stake in Tamar gas field offshore Israel.

Mubadala Petroleum, Abu Dhabi, has signed a non-binding Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for Delek Drilling's 22% non-operated stake in Tamar gas field offshore Israel.

Under an earlier gas framework agreement outlined by the government of Israel, Delek Drilling must sell all holdings in Tamar by end 2021.

Tamar field, 90 km west of Haifa, was discovered in 2009 at an overall depth of 5,000 meters below sea level, and in waters 1,700 m deep. Production began in 2013. Natural gas is extracted through five production wells and flowed through two 140-km pipelines to the primary and main processing plant on the Tamar platform. The gas is then transmitted through a pipeline to the onshore terminal in Ashdod, and into the Israeli market through the INGL national gas pipeline with a portion exported to Jordan and Egypt.

Proven and probable reserves in the lease, after production of more than 69.3 billion cu m (bcm), is estimated at 300 bcm of natural gas and 14 million bbl of condensate, according to a January 2020 Netherland, Sewell & Associates Inc. report.

Chevron operates Tamar with 25% following its acquisition of Noble Energy (OGJ Online, July 20, 2020). Partners are Delek Drilling (22%), Isramco (28.75%), Tamar Petroleum (16.75%), Dor Gas (4%), and Everest (3.5%).