Lukoil has approved development of Rakushechnoye oil and gas field in the Caspian Sea off Russia. The company plans a fixed, ice-resistant platform, a quarters platform, a crossover bridge, and subsea interfield pipelines and cable lines connected with a second fixed platform at V. Filanovsky field 8.5 km away.
Lukoil has approved development of Rakushechnoye oil and gas field in the Caspian Sea off Russia.
The company plans a fixed, ice-resistant platform, a quarters platform, a crossover bridge, and subsea interfield pipelines and cable lines connected with a second fixed platform at V. Filanovsky field 8.5 km away (OGJ Online, June 18, 2018).
Lukoil expects Rakushechnoye commercial production to start in 2023 and reach a plateau rate of 1.2 million tonnes/year.
Discovered in 2001, the field is in 5-8 m of water 100 km from Russia’s west coast and 160 km from the port of Astrakhan.
Lukoil estimates recoverable reserves at 39 million tonnes of oil and condensate and 33 billion cu m of natural gas.