Strike Energy posts independent certification of Ocean Hill gas resources
Strike Energy Ltd. has released an updated independently certified resource statement for its 100%-owned Ocean Hill gas field in permit EP 495 in the onshore North Perth basin in Western Australia.
Perth-based resource consultant RISC Advisory has confirmed a 2C contingent resource of 300 petajoules (PJ) of gas for Cadda and Cattamarra formations at Ocean Hill field. The estimate was reached after incorporating results and transferring subsurface knowledge from the successful exploration and appraisal campaign at Strike’s Walyering gas field in permit EP 447 to the south.
RISC increased net 1C contingent resource by more than 700% from the last report in 2013 to 185 PJ and estimates net 3C gas contingent resources totaling about 464 PJ, all 100% to Strike, the company said.
Strike said that Ocean Hill is another example of a Catamarra and Cadda gas discovery in which the discovery well was placed at the crest of a large four-way dip closed anticline without understanding the hydrocarbon migration pathways or reservoir distribution of the play.
Ocean Hill-1 found a 761-m gas-charged section of Cadda and Cattamarra at 3,007-3,838 m, but it had ineffective reservoir pressure that flowed a small quantity of low-impurity gas from several intervals when tested 6 months later.
RISC applied a reprocessed version of 2D seismic data at Ocean Hill with a more advanced structural interpretation and corresponding depth conversion. It also used the results of the Walyering 3D survey and the drilling of Walyering-5 and -6 wells. RISC estimates that the gas stream at Ocean Hill has an energy content of 1.2 PJ/bcf and that the low-impurity gas will require minimal processing.
Strike’s next move is to run a 3D survey campaign with subsequent appraisal drilling to target additional tranches of low-cost gas that can be brought to market by 2025. The field is only 6 km from a pipeline compressor station on the Dampier-Bunbury gas trunkline.