Petrobras discovered natural gas accumulation in the Uchuva-1 exploratory well, drilled in deep waters of Colombia, 32 km off the coast and 76 km from the city of Santa Marta, in a water depth of about 830 m.
Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) discovered natural gas accumulation in the Uchuva-1 exploratory well, drilled in deep waters of Colombia, 32 km off the coast and 76 km from the city of Santa Marta, in a water depth of about 830 m.
The well was drilled in the Tayrona block, where Petrobras (operator, 44.44%) and partner Ecopetrol SA (55.56%) will continue activities, aiming to assess the dimensions of the new gas accumulation, the company said in a release July 29.