Buru confirms gas on continued test at Rafael-1 wildcat onshore Canning basin
Buru Energy Ltd., Perth, confirmed its gas find at Rafael-1 wildcat in exploration permit EP 428, onshore Canning basin in Western Australia, with a return to flow testing after suspension for Cyclone Anika.
Flow rates were measured up to 6.52 MMcfd of gas through a 128/64-in. choke with a stable flowing tubing pressure of 164 psi.
The well was then turned to flare to obtain rates unimpeded by test equipment, resulting in estimated flow rates of 7.6 MMcfd at a tubing head pressure of 165-170 psi. Condensate flowed consistently throughout the test program at 40 bbl/MMcf of gas.
The well has been shut in for an extended pressure build-up to obtain further pressure data and additional reservoir information.
Testing was carried out on uncased open hole in the lower part of the Ungani Dolomite section.
An additional interpreted reservoir section in the upper Ungani Dolomite and in the overlying Upper Laurel Carbonates is behind 7-in. casing. Testing of these zones will require recompletion of the well to allow individual zonal perforation and testing. A workover rig will be needed.
Buru is recommending to joint venture partner Origin Energy Ltd. that this further testing be done as soon as practicable.
In the meantime, independent evaluation of gas and liquid resources is being undertaken by ERCE. A report is expected by early April.
Buru and Origin each hold 50% interest in the permit. Buru is operator.