DNO discovers Triassic reservoirs in Kurdistan region, Iraq

May 7, 2020
DNO ASA has proven three separate Triassic reservoirs in the Kurdistan region of Iraq with data from the Baeshiqa-2 exploration well.

DNO ASA has proven three separate Triassic reservoirs in the Kurdistan region of Iraq with data from the Baeshiqa-2 exploration well.

The well was originally spud in February 2019 and drilled to 3,204 m TD (2,549 m TVDSS), encountering almost a kilometer of fractured carbonates with poor to good oil shows. Shallower Jurassic aged reservoirs were encountered and tested; however, the zones were not acid stimulated, and the results were inconclusive.

In November 2019, DNO issued a notice of discovery that hydrocarbons flowed to surface from the upper part of Triassic Kurra Chine B during first phase of testing. The reservoir produced 900-3,500 bo/d with specific gravity of 40-52° API and sour gas of 8.5-15 MMscfd. Following workover and acid stimulation, second phase testing resumed in March 2020 in three separate Triassic aged reservoirs.

During the tests, lower Kurra Chine B produced 600-3,500 bo/d with specific gravity of 47-55° API and sour gas of 4-18 MMcfd. The test demonstrated that upper and lower Kurra Chine B are in communication, proving a hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir interval of about 150 m.

Kurra Chine A flowed 950-3,100 bo/d of 30-34° API and sour gas of 1.8-3.6 MMcfd from a 70 m interval. 

Kurra Chine C was the deepest encountered covering 34 m of what is expected to be a thicker 200 m reservoir. The drilled interval has been exposed to significant fracture damage due to pumping of lost circulation material. The reservoir produced 200-1,200 bo/d of 52° API gravity and sour gas of 3.8-6 MMcfd.

The results will determine next steps towards further appraisal and commercial assessment.

Spud of Zartik-1, an exploration well in a separate prospect 15 km southeast on the Baeshiqa license, is expected on May 15. Site construction was completed late April.

DNO acquired 32% interest and operatorship of Baeshiqa in 2017. Partners include ExxonMobil (32%), Turkish Energy Co. (16%), and the Kurdistan Regional Government (20%).