Petrobras to study commercial viability of gas accumulation offshore Colombia

Oct. 4, 2024
The company will further study the basin offshore Colombia, which is estimated to hold a possible 6 tcf of natural gas in place.

Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) estimates potential for 6 tcf of natural gas in place in the Guajira offshore basin in Colombia and will work with its license partner to study the commercial viability of the reserve.

The information is a follow-up on the extension of gas discoveries Uchuva-1 and Uchuva-2, now renamed Sirius-1 and Sirius-2, “confirming the magnitude of the discoveries made in the area and its importance for the Colombian gas market,” Petrobras said in a release Oct. 3 (OGJ Online, Aug. 5, 2024; July 29, 2022).

The Uchuva-2 well was spudded in this year about 31 km off the coast at a water depth of 804 m (OGJ Online, June 21, 2024). The appraisal well was drilled to learn more about the area following the natural gas discovery at Uchuva-1 in deep waters about 76 km from the city of Santa Marta (OGJ Online, June 29, 2022).

Petrobras, through Petrobras International Braspetro BV - Colombia, acts as operator (44.44%) in a consortium formed in partnership with Ecopetrol (55.56%).