Equinor lets Troll topside modification contract to Aker Solutions

Sept. 30, 2024
Equinor has let a contract to Aker Solutions ASA as part of the Troll Phase 3 stage II modification project aimed at accelerating production from the Troll West gas reservoir.

Equinor has let a contract to Aker Solutions ASA as part of the Troll Phase 3 stage II modification project aimed at accelerating production from the Troll West gas reservoir.

Aker Solutions will prepare the topside of Troll A. The work scope includes engineering, procurement, construction, installation, and commissioning (EPCIC) for topside modification to prepare the platform for receiving and processing gas from eight new wells at Troll West, Aker Solutions said in a press release Sept. 30.

Troll field lies in the North Sea, 80 km northwest of Bergen, and is Norway’s largest gas producer, supplying 10% of Europe’s total gas needs, Aker Solutions said. Troll Phase 3 involves producing the gas cap overlying the oil column in Troll West, while also continuing the production of oil. The produced gas goes to Troll A and onwards in existing infrastructure.

The first stage of this development was completed in 2021 with a new module on the Troll A platform to receive and process gas from Troll West field. Aker Solutions completed the Troll A topside modification and provided the subsea systems for the field development in Stage I.

Aker Solutions also will prepare and install equipment for clean-up of the initial well fluids during start-up of the wells.

The contract, which the service provider values at NOK 0.5-1.5 billion, will begin immediately and is scheduled for completion at end-2027.