Lukoil starts exploratory drilling offshore Sierra Leone
Sept. 17, 2013
OAO Lukoil has started exploratory drilling offshore Sierra Leone on the West African shelf.
The target depth of the Savannah well on Block SL-5-11 exceeds 4,700 m. The 52,500-ton Eirik Raude semisubmersible drilling rig is drilling in more than 2,000 m of water.
Lukoil said 2D and 3D seismic data were acquired on 1,500 sq km, which led to identification of several prospects.
The current exploration period will expire Dec. 31. Obligations for the next exploration period will depend on drilling results.
Lukoil has 49% of the block; Nigeria’s Oranto has 30% and PanAtlantic, 21%.