Tyra North Sea redevelopment performs final lifts

Oct. 10, 2022
The final offshore lifting campaign has been performed for Tyra II redevelopment in the Danish North Sea, said project partner Norwegian Energy Co. ASA. Heerema Marine Contractors' semisubmersible crane vessel Sleipnir completed the lifts.

The final offshore lifting campaign has been performed for Tyra II redevelopment in the Danish sector of the North Sea, said project partner Norwegian Energy Co. ASA (Noreco) in an Oct. 10 release. Following the lift and installation of the process module (TEG) earlier this month (OGJ Online, Oct. 2, 2022), Heerema Marine Contractors' semisubmersible crane vessel Sleipnir lifted in place the two remaining bridges and flare tower.

All major offshore lifts for Tyra II are now completed. The offshore team will finish welding work connecting the TEG to installations already in place and then focus on remaining hook-up and commissioning.

Tyra field is the largest gas condensate field in the Danish sector of the North Sea and consists of two main process centers, Tyra East and Tyra West, linked to five unmanned satellite fields, including Tyra Southeast, Harald, Valdemar, Svend, and Roar. Gas is exported to shore and oil is exported to Gorm E. Tyra East and West comprise 11 platforms and are currently being redeveloped due to subsidence.

Tyra processes more than 90% of the gas produced in Denmark, as well as the entire gas production of the Danish Underground Consortium (DUC) comprised of operator TotalEnergies SE 43.2%; Noreco, 36.8%; and Danish national oil and gas company Nordsøfonden, 20%.