Woodside Energy Ltd. let a contract to Shearwater Geoservices to acquire a 4D baseline seismic survey over Scarborough and Jupiter gas fields on the Exmouth Plateau offshore Western Australia.
The survey—to be run by the Geo Coral seismic vessel equipped with multicomponent sensor streamers—is scheduled to begin data acquisition this quarter and take 2-3 months to complete.
The objective is to provide modern, robust, high-definition data for field development planning. The survey will be used as the baseline for time-lapse data in the event of acquisition of other monitoring seismic surveys in the future.
Scarborough and Jupiter fields were discovered in 1979 by Esso-BHP Petroleum and Phillips Petroleum, respectively. They are now part of the Greater Scarborough gas fields owned by Woodside and are estimated to contain about 13 tcfd of dry gas.