Petronas launches Malaysia bid round

Jan. 28, 2022
Petronas launched Malaysia Bid Round 2022 (MBR 2022) Jan. 27. The offering includes 14 exploration blocks, six clusters of discovered resource opportunities (DRO), and one cluster of late life assets (LLA).

Petronas launched Malaysia Bid Round 2022 (MBR 2022) Jan. 27. The offering includes 14 exploration blocks, six clusters of discovered resource opportunities (DRO), and one cluster of late life assets (LLA).

The exploration blocks lie in prolific geological provinces within the Malay, Sabah, and Sarawak basins, and most of them contain existing oil and/or gas discoveries, the company said.

The six DRO clusters are Meranti, Ubah, Baram Jr., A, C, and D, mostly in shallow water and near existing production infrastructure. In addition, the single LLA, which includes a cluster of three fields (Abu Cluster), provides an opportunity for an operator to sweat the remaining oil in place using existing infrastructure, the company said.

 “Through our basin study work, we believe there are many more prospects to be identified in the Malaysia basins, with the estimated remaining potential of about 21 billion boe,” said Mohamed Firouz Asnan, senior vice-president of Malaysia Petroleum Management, Petronas.

Petronas is also offering technical study arrangements for two exploration areas in southern Malay basin and northwest Sabah basin. Through the study, investors will have an opportunity to better understand the potential of the acreages, prior to submitting a bid proposal.

 A virtual data room which is accessible until June 30, 2022.