Petrobras begins Campos basin seismic campaign

July 8, 2021
Petrobras will begin the first seismic acquisition of the 3D Nodes project in Parque das Baleias fields, Campos basin. The objective is to improve 3D imaging and obtain future 4D monitoring of the fields.

Petróleo Brasileiro SA (Petrobras) will begin the first seismic acquisition of the 3D Nodes project in Parque das Baleias fields (Whale Park), Campos basin, Brazil. The objective is to improve 3D imaging and obtain future 4D monitoring of the fields.

Data acquisition is by ShearWater Geoservices do Brasil using ocean bottom nodes (OBN) technology and new magnetometric and gravimetric multiphysics surveys in an area of 810 sq km.

OBN collects information from sensors deposited on the ocean floor. This solution monitors pre-salt and post-salt reservoirs and is advantageous in areas where offshore platforms make acquisition with conventional seismic streamer vessels impossible.

Total value of the survey contract is about $50 million.

Petrobras is sole operator of the Parque das Baleias, comprising Jubarte, Cachalote, Pirambu, Baleia Anã, Caxaréu, and Mangangá fields.