Total lets FEED contract for North Platte field

Jan. 24, 2020
Total E&P USA Inc. has let a front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract to Worley for North Platte field development in the Gulf of Mexico. A final investment decision is expected in 2021.

Total E&P USA Inc. has let a front-end engineering and design (FEED) contract to Worley for North Platte field development in the Gulf of Mexico (OGJ Online, Dec. 12, 2019). A final investment decision is expected in 2021.

North Platte field straddles four blocks of the Garden Banks area, 275 km off the coast of Louisiana in 1,300 m of water. The reservoir is of high quality, both in porosity and permeability, with thickness in places exceeding 1,200 m. The field development plan is based on eight subsea wells and two subsea drilling bases connected via two production loops to a newbuild, lightweight floating production unit (FPU). Production will be exported through existing oil and gas subsea networks. Oil production from the field is expected to average 75,000 b/d at plateau level.

Having completed the pre-FEED phase in August 2019, the award extends Worley’s involvement in Total’s deepwater Gulf of Mexico project.

The FEED component of the project is being led by Worley’s Houston office with support from its Hyderabad office in India.