Woodside moves to pre-FEED for Shwe Yee Htun gas field, Myanmar

Dec. 17, 2019
Woodside Petroleum Ltd., Perth, has moved to pre-Front-end Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) for its Shwe Yee Htun gas field offshore Myanmar.

Woodside Petroleum Ltd., Perth, has moved to pre-Front-end Engineering and Design (pre-FEED) for its Shwe Yee Htun gas field offshore Myanmar.

The field, in Block A-6 in 2,300 m of water off Myanmar’s west coast, was discovered in 2015. Another Block A-6 discovery (Pyi Thit-1) was made in 2017.

An appraisal, Shwe Yee Htun-2, drilled in mid-2018 about 10 km to the west and down-dip from the Shwee Yee Htun-1 discovery well, tested a gas flow of 53 MMcfd from a 35 m reservoir section in September 2018 (OGJ Online, Sept. 24, 2018). 

The combination of cores, wireline logs, and drill stem test data confirmed good reservoir quality, permeability, and well deliverability.

The move to pre-FEED follows the signing of an initial production sharing agreement that includes a fiscal framework and an agreement on upstream and midstream ration between the JV partners and the Myanmar government.

Shwee Yee Htun will be the country’s first ultra-deep water resource development.

Woodside completed concept selection and definition studies, along with a commerciality assessment on the field this year. 

Pre-FEED work will entail site surveys and engineering studies plus permitting approvals.

The Phase 1 plan is to use a fixed processing platform in about 100 m of water that will produce gas from six wells and send it via undersea pipeline to a riser platform in about 50 m of water. From there sales gas will be exported via pipeline to Thailand as well as supplying the domestic market with a separate undersea pipeline to the country’s largest city, Yangon.

The second phase will see the drilling of another four wells.

Entry to FEED is timed for the second half of 2020.

Woodside is operator with 40% interest. Partners are Total, 40%, and Myanmar Petroleum Resources, 20%.